Durleigh RC Racing Policy 2024
Rules for the operation and enjoyment of Radio Controlled SAILING Craft at Durleigh Reservoir,
under the auspices of Durleigh Sailing Centre
- “Durleigh RC Sailing”, are a sub section of Durleigh Sailing Centre (DSC) for the sailing and enjoyment of Radio Controlled Sailing. As such,
the RC Sailors and guests are bound by all applicable rules and procedures of the overarching Centre. - In all matters, a final decision shall rest with the Trustees of DSC, but day to day administration including operational matters can lie with
members of the RC Sailing section. - Members shall:
- Act in a safe, courteous and responsible manner in the use of the site and facilities and in all related activities
- Uphold the precepts of the sport of Sailing – abiding first by RYA, then Model Yachting Association (MYA) and DSC rules and procedures as applicable.
- RC Sailing members, may from time to time form sub committees etc. to run the section, under devolved authority from DSC.
- The RC Sailing section shall have representation up to the DSC trustees, via a known point of contact on the Management Committee.
- All RC Sailing members must sign in using the Centre procedures. Visitors are permitted but must sign in and must comply to DSC rules.
Fees, Affiliation and Membership
- All members of RC Sailing shall maintain membership with the Model Yachting Association (MYA), abide by their rules and procedures.
Insurance cover shall be maintained by act of membership of the MYA (currently £10 annually) or Sedgemoor Model Boat Club who holds
third party insurance. If the MYA or SMBC should cease to offer this insurance cover, then the RC Sailing members shall immediately be
required to obtain their own individual insurance cover to the same value as was offered by the MYA. - Additionally, all RC Sailing members shall also pay whatever fees DSC deem appropriate for this activity.
Upon payment of the combined fees above, all RC Sailing members shall be associate members of the DSC, entitled to use the Centre’s
facilities and such equipment as may relate to this branch of Sailing. RC Sailing members shall not have a vote at DSC membership
meetings (AGM, SGM etc) unless they are full members and are engaged in other membership activities of the Centre.Types of Craft Permitted
- ONLY the FIVE stipulated Radio Controlled Sailing Craft Classes may be launched and sailed at Durleigh Reservoir as detailed:
- Dragonflite 95 closed class (Club primary class)
- Dragonforce 65 closed class
- RG65 restricted class
- IOM restricted class
- ‘A’ class
Only RC craft operating on the 2.4Ghz frequency band shall be permitted to operate at Durleigh. Craft on older Mhz channels etc must be
modified prior to being accepted to sail.
For the avoidance of doubt:- No powered Racing Radio Controlled craft are permitted.
- No Internal Combustion Engine RC craft are permitted.
- No Scale Model or experimental craft are permitted.
- No Free or Vane Sailing model craft are permitted.
- Any craft and its components may be subject to measurement/scrutiny by official measurers, prior to going afloat.
Sailing Area
- The MAXIMUM permitted sailing area for RC craft is an area bounded between the Pontoon, the dam Wall, and the first marker buoys of the outfall exclusion zone. RC craft operating outside of this area will have been determined as out of bounds.
- Race courses which may from time to time be set, will all be arranged well within this boundary area, given enough room beyond marks to reasonably sail the course without ever going out of bounds.
- RC Sailing members are entitled to sail permitted RC craft at any reasonable time, when the site is open (as stated by Wessex Water).
Allowing enough time to complete your activity, pack and lock up etc, and be off site, prior to the stated closing time of the day. - Races and other events shall be advertised and arranged by mutual agreement.
- Craft, Order of Precedent:
RC Sailing members may sail RC craft when other craft are afloat, but as RC craft are small and harder to see but quick to manoeuvre, RC craft must attempt to keep clear of other vessels and water users at all times deferring to the large craft or persons in the water. RC craftare generally quicker to manoeuvre than full size counterparts and therefore should at all times attempt to avoid collision, or placing any craft in positions of peril.
Order of Precedent shall be as follows first to last:- Racing Dinghies
- Casual Sailing or Training Dinghies
- Racing RC craft
- Casual Sailing or Training RC craft – give way to all other vessels.
Accepting the Pontoon and Slipway are used by all, launching and recovery of RC craft should be best avoided during periods when larger craft may wish to use them.
- In the event of an emergency (risk to human life) RC craft should be removed from the water if appropriate, or abandoned, if not to do so would further endanger life or elevate risk.
Minimum numbers required to sail - Casual RC sailing may take place with two RC Sailing members or a single member may sail their RC craft solo, as long as one other competent person is present to assist with H&S in the event of an emergency. They should have a mobile phone to summon assistance and they must be on hand to help if required, and attentive to support Health and Safety at all times.
Launching and Recovery - Normally, Launching shall be from the Slipway, or the Pontoon. RC Sailing members may elect to use launching slings, trollies or other aids to safely launch and recover their craft. Drysuits, Wetsuits are permitted, but if used, a buoyancy aid must be worn.
- Buoyancy aids must be worn when members are on the pontoon or in any craft on the water.
- Recovery should be effected by the RC Helm, their assistant or someone with knowledge of how to handle these small craft correctly. Recovery must not be attempted by stepping over the wall on the Dam.
- For craft out of control, they can be recovered using another RC craft if appropriate and available, or a crewed support boat.
- A crewed support boat may be launched to recover wayward RC craft, with human safety paramount at all times. If an RC craft proves impossible to recover safely, it should be abandoned and the Trustees and Ranger informed as soon as practicable. Any crewed boat going afloat shall be subject to the operational procedures of DSC. All crew (single or twin) must be competent, wear appropriate clothing and Buoyancy Aids.
- At our club, we shall follow the racing rules and principles of the RYA in precedent to those of the MYA. Therefore for instance, a falsestarted boat must go around the ends of the start line buoys to redeem itself and not be over the line within 1 minute of the start of a race.
- RC racing shall be conducted and recorded under RYA / MYA racing rules and can only take place if THREE RC boats take to the water with the intention to race.
- Race sheets will be completed and submitted to the RC Sailing Secretary, using the spreadsheet.
- Protests shall be lodged and heard within RYA / MYA terms and conditions.
Use of Centre Equipment
- RC Sailing Members are entitled to use such materials and equipment as provided for the RC craft section, and should only be used for the intended purpose.
Data usage and Data Protection
- By joining the RC Sailing section, Members agree to provide such details as required by the MYA, DF Racing UK to conduct their activities in support of the sport.
Sail Numbers and Class records shall also be maintained at club level in order to effectively manage this section of DSC. - Sail Numbers and Names shall be openly available within the clubhouse, and with permission on the website, for the purposes of administering the club.
- No data shall be passed to third parties, save for that as may be legally required under the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018.